Brazilian Hip Hop, with a golden-era glint and a 20-strong cast is given fresh impetus on “Ela Partiu”, 24 year old rapper Laiz’s breakout recording on Agogo Records. Glowing with Pan-African collaborations, and rooted in Laiz’s love and appreciation of magical realism, tropicália and Brazilian music old and new – think Tom Zé and Marcelo D2 – “Ela Partiu” features Sudanese trap-rapper Zeyo Mann, Ghanian percussionist and singer Eric Owusu (Jembaa Groove, Pat Thomas) and produced by young.vishnu & Pachakuti, from the up and coming crew, and Laiz’s label mates, The New Love Experience.

Composed by Lais Barbero & young.vishnu. written & performed by Lais Barbero. produced by young.vishnu. additional production by Ralf Droesemeyer for Mo’ Horizons.